Fortune telling

In 1998 I made a drawing of a young woman on a beach in a particular pose who seems to be in a duel between good and evil forces. At the bottom left of the drawing is a monk or shaman who has thrown a number of shapes on the sand in front of him to read the future and talks to the woman in response to what the shapes are telling him. At least that was the thought I always had when looking at this drawing.


Conflicted – jigsaw element (see green frame)

I thought it would be interesting to reconstruct the visual elements of the puzzle-like shapes. So I recreated them from a scrap piece of trespa using a jigsaw.


Conflicted – jigsaw element

Since the shapes were not particularly complicated or visually exciting, I was mainly concerned with seeing how I could add them to an existing (coastal) landscape as striking visual elements in a similar composition as shown in the drawing.

The estuary of the Wadden Sea with its ebb and flow movement gave me exactly the environment I was looking for, because the nature present there is in a constant conflict between land and water.


Conflicted (2023)


Conflicted (2023)

A king reborn

In the spring I decided to remake a pencil drawing from 2012 titled The Electric King.


Electric King (2012)

The new drawing was made with a waterproof marker on mdfboard.


Electric King (remake – 2022)

Although it was my intention to stay true to the original composition I did not succeed completely in this. Partly due to the use of color, adding a number of extra elements and the many possibilities Krita offers.


Electric King (development – 2022)

Gradually the whole drawing was moderated and colored in seven layers with the use of some special brushes and effects.


Electric King (development – 2022)

Due to the size of the canvas, the drawing still doesn’t feel completely finished, but it’s getting to the point that the Electric King finally has returned. So i’ll leave him for now.

New website online

The new website “L’ Art Sauvage” with sketches and drawings of Marcel Voets is online. It’s build on WordPress with theme Illustratr accompanied by recommended plugins for delivering the content in a fashionable way.


The old website was running on the photographer & artist cms Koken. Unfortunately this cms has been abandonded by the developers several years ago. All this time I was looking for a good alternative to fill in this gap. WordPress is able to do this in a fantastic way it looks like. I hope you will enjoy !